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Deze vacature is niet meer vacant: English Speaking Orderpicker / Warehouse Employee

Werkgever:Start People

Oorspronkelijke vacature omschrijving:

Beknopte omschrijving
For a warehouse we are looking for orderpickers. With a scanner around your wrist you will scan boxes, collect the articles and pack the box in a neat way. The packed boxes will be sent to an expedition area where they will be placed on a pallet. Thi


For a warehouse we are looking for orderpickers. With a scanner around your wrist you will scan boxes, collect the articles and pack the box in a neat way. The packed boxes will be sent to an expedition area where they will be placed on a pallet. This pallet will go in the truck and will be sent to the client.


  • You are available at least 3 days a week between 11.15 and 22.00

  • You are in good physical condition

  • You work accurately

  • You speak and understand English fluently

Wat wij bieden

We offer you a position within an enthusiastic team of employees. Depending of your availability you can work 3, 4 or 5 days a week! At an age of 18 or older your salary will be € 10,73 per hour until 18.00. Between 18.00 and 21.00 the salary will be € 14,12 per hour and after 21.00 the salary will be € 15,86 per hour.If you travel 10 km's or more you will receive travel expenses

Are you interested and you recognize yourself in this profile? We look forward to receive your application!